Sunday, March 24, 2013

Marketing Alcohol

When it comes to alcohol advertising the companies need to be careful about how they advertise on all medias.  During commercials the actors can't be shown drinking alcohol.  In the series of Jagermeister commercials a bunch of blue collar men sit at a round table and hold up a shot and cuts away before they drink it.  Another obvious rule is to not advocate irresponsible drinking and not to look as if the the advertisement is selling its product to minors.  Cartoon promotions are not advocated.  On social media sites like facebook official brand pages can only be viewed by people of legal drinking age. They also have to monitor their sites to block people promoting bad behavior and they have to tell people to drink responsibility.  Advertisers also can't sell a product based on alcohol content.  In the US alcohol advertisements are allowed when 70% of the viewing audience is over 21.  In other countries it is against the law to advertise before a certain time.  Because alcohol can be dangerous and it has killed people they still get more leeway than cigarettes.  Cigarette companies can't advertise on television at all.

Do you think it is right that alcohol is given so many restrictions? Or do they not have enough?

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